Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Big Day

It has been so cold lately, so I wasn't sure if the ground breaking was going to happen or not, so Chris suggested we meet for lunch and then drive over to the lot to see what was going on. I called John and he said to stop by anytime. We met Chris at Burger King for lunch, and then went to the lot and the bulldozer was working, and the hole for the basement was already laid out! The kids were so excited to see how it starts out! We all felt sorry for the worker in the dozer, and the rest of the workers building a house down the road because it is SO COLD!! I don't know how they do it!
After seeing the lot, we ran to the UPS store and mailed a package to the Crosses for Hannah's birthday (she and I share a birthday). Unfortunately, it might not get there until Tuesday, but as long as it arrives safely, that all that matters!!
We went to prayer meeting tonight, and the kids went to GAs and RAs. It was the first time we had heard Pastor Chad speak. I could listen to him all night.
On the way to church, we spoke to a coach for Beavercreek soccer and Jason is actually going to play indoor soccer with them on Saturday to see how he would like the league!

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