So thankfully today is Wednesday and nothing is on the calendar but Bible Study at church with the kids going to GAs and RAs.
Nelda called on and off again today about Marie. She was beginning to get better and then out of the blue, she calls and says that Marie's right kidney had been failing, and they were going to do a scan of her insides.
After the scan, they found some blockage in her stomach, and pretty much said that her time on earth should only be a few more hours. WHAT? I can't believe this lady has gone from doing better (recovering from a major surgery) to on her death bed.
The first thing Jason asked was if she was a Christian, and I told him I wasn't sure, but Nelda talked to Nancy, and Marie did confess she was a Christian, so it's reassuring knowing she soon won't be in pain as hard as it is to say good-bye!
As of this moment, Marie hasn't gone to meet her Maker, but unless He pulls off a miracle (which I know he is capable of doing), by the morning, she will be seeing Jesus face to face!!
It's such a wake up call that we never know when our time is up. Rachel said it's sad she has to die, but one day we will all die. Our time here is short, and this home is our temporary home!!
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