Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Festival First Baptist Kettering

On October 8th, we went to First Baptist Kettering, which we now call home, for their fall festival. We had a great time!! Over 1500 in attendance, most at any fall festival by FBK. The kids had a blast trying to guess the weight of a pumpkin, bouncing in the bounce zone, and going on a hayride to pick a pumpkin.

On the hayride, each person was able to hear the gospel. Before we were able to pick a pumpkin, our children's pastor, Pastor Tony, led everyone in the pumpkin gospel. Everyone received a copy of the pumpkin prayer in their goodie bags. I am glad our church is mission minded and glad they used the festival to plant many spiritual seeds.

During the pumpkin prayer, Rachel was chosen to help poke out one of the pumpkin's eyes, which were shaped like hearts.

I think Rachel's favorite part of the festival was getting to ride a horse. She talked Jason into riding, too, and then he enjoyed it. She LOVES horses and wishes she could have one as a pet.

We enjoyed the hayride, especially because we were together as a family and were able to ride with a few of our new friends. Not too often do we get a family photo, so I insisted we get a quick snap shot.

After hearing the gospel, the trailer pulled us over to a field of pumpkins - the kids enjoyed getting to search for the one they thought was the perfect one. We then rode the trailer back to the parking lot. We had to shout, "I think I can" for our truck driver, because he had to attempt the hill several times. Jason and Rachel loved picking a pumpkin!

The most popular attraction was the bounce zone. We arrived at the festival about 10 minutes before it was scheduled to start, and we were glad we did. The kids were numbers 4 and 5 in line, and about and hour later, they had given out 150 tickets and could take no more participants. They enjoyed getting to jump high, especially since we don't have a trampoline at home.

Pastor Tony did a great job coordinating this event. The most they have had at a festival is about 300, so to get over 1000, was a blessing. Next year we look forward to participating as volunteers! We thank God for leading us to such a wonderful group of people who are focused on spreading the gospel wherever they are and using all the resources God has given them.

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